
Showing posts from December, 2016

Barnes and Noble Event to Support Orchestra Talent

Thanks @BNBuzz and all Johnson High School Orchestra supporters who came out this weekend to the Orchestra performance and book signing at Barnes and Noble Northwoods San Antonio! It was a gorgeous event, all praise to Jesus! I enjoyed meeting various locals and praying with some special people. Please continue to support the orchestra by going to Barnes and Noble this week and referencing "The Johnson High School Orchestra." A portion of your purchase, including all "Family Prayer Made Easy" book purchases, will go directly to support this great group of musicians and its lovely conductor Ms. Karen George! ​

Prayer for the Orphans this Christmas

As Jeff Bridges recently said, "Poverty is a complex issue, but feeding a child isn't" According to our friends at Food for Orphans, nearly 400,000 orphans starve to death every year, and one sixth of the world's population goes to bed hungry every day. Please join us in praying for the hungry and the hurting of our world today. Imagine being a child all alone, fending for yourself on the streets, feeling like an outcast and unable to find nourishment for your starving body. There are about 147 million orphans worldwide. Two of those once-orphaned babies are my adopted kiddos. I'm thankful that more and more people are stepping up to adopt and foster children here and abroad, but the problem goes further to the areas where children are living on the streets, homeless and in need. In some countries, children can not be adopted out legally so what happens to those babies? Please consider the orphans this year. Our friend Gary at Food for Orphans continues