No Greater Purpose

No Greater Love

by Teresa J. Herbic

God is love. 1 John 4:8

There is no greater love than the love poured down on us from Our Heavenly Father. The sacrifice of His son as our savior and mighty king proved to be the critical act to gaining fellowship into God’s family. This example of agape love transformed history and our hearts forever.

I heard a sermon once about the topic of agape love. A preacher in my small home town taught us that agape love is God’s pure love. There’s no matching it. It is the most divine, self-sacrificing and unconditional love that exists.
It’s difficult to understand this kind of love. The closest we may come as humans is in our role as parents. When your child feels down or becomes ill, our heart aches. As with most parents, we will do anything to make our children feel better and express our full devotion and support.

As I think of agape love—God’s pure love—I can only hope that as adoptive, foster and parents overall, we will cultivate His love, blessing not only for our children in the way our savior blesses us, with pure full unconditional love, but also in one another as God’s people. May we share the passion of our souls and the hope that is Christ. For there is no greater love, my friends that God’s love!

Thank You, God, for providing the ultimate example in Christ. Thank You for teaching us how to love, while gifting us with Your plan and purpose for our lives and our adoptions.

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