2019 New Year's Prayer

by Teresa J. Herbic
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of
God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39, NIV

As we ring in another new year,
I pray that you will be blessed,
by the Prince of Peace with His
Greatest joy and inner strength,
Recalling the triumphs and sorrows of
the prior year moving forward in His grace.

May His hope fill you with assurance of
a bright, happy and prosperous tomorrow.
May His beauty glisten in Your spirit
and surround you with each passing day,
May your career and hobbies be plentiful,
with family and friends thriving together.

May your anticipation for the year be bountiful,
and your care for others overflow with encouragement.
May you always look to the light of Jesus as
the wisdom for your daily path, seeking His will.
May saints encircle you with their goodness,
May God reveal His miracles in your work,
home life and service, to His full glory!

Thank You Jesus for hearing this, our prayer,
together, in Your mighty and holy name,
seeking you against all evil and demons,
for complete assurance, that nothing will ever
separate us from the Love of God that is in Christ.

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