
Showing posts from September, 2023

Drawing Nearer to God

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you… The Bible shares this in James 4:8 but what does it mean? Think of a time when you felt like everything was whole, peaceful, and perfect. For me any time like that meant a time when God had shown me His awesome love and faithfulness through an incredible answer to prayer, the healing of a loved one, a fun experience with friends and family, a business success, or maybe even a time of pure laughter. Whatever joyous moment you remember, it’s likely a time that you felt near to your Creator or your Creator was closest to you…And you felt whole in your mind, body, and spirit. These are the times that clearly matter. These are the moments we live for so – Draw near to God and He will draw near to you means acknowledgment that: - There is One True God Who loves us, - One faithful King Who cares, - One Who intercedes for us and goes before us each and every day. Whatever hurts you’ve experiences in the world are not o