Investing in Eternity


Investing in Eternity

 How Will You Spend or Invest Your Life?  

LIFE! For those reading today, we are blessed with it! It's precious, valuable, and a fresh canvas for each and every day.

And like Tony Evan says @ the link below, we are all stewards to protect and expand our assets for good purposes.

We share 3 things:

1) TIME - a boundary where OPPORTUNITIES exist.

2) TALENTS and abilities to do great things in this world. Sure, our talents are all different but we are all a part of a whole BIGGER PICTURE.

3) TREASURES - Various resources for doing business and life.

So, my question for you today is: What are you doing with your TIME, TALENTS, AND TREASURES to make a meaningful difference in this world? Life? Business? Your family? Your future?

The TIME IS TODAY! What are you waiting for?

#GodsPlan #Priorities #Future
Image Compliments: Pixabay

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