Jesus, King of All Kings


My Boss is Jesus

by Galen D. Herbic

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others,

as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.1 Peter 4:10

Working from a virtual office, I often experience odd glances and confusing questions about how I earn an income. I dress professional most the time; however with a flexible schedule depending on prospect and client meetings I sometimes have a dedicated “work from home” day.

One thing is for certain, I’ve developed a mentality that I truly use gifted skill sets to work for Jesus. This inspires me to blend volunteer service with a corporate sales career.

Jesus is The Boss so that whatever I have and will receive is really of Him and for His kingdom.

My adopted children understand although daddy doesn’t work in a church building, he’s behaving as Jesus commands. From my experience, all children need this guidance, especially adopted children who require more direction at times. It seems the emotional stability of Jesus is the greatest gift of all.

I encourage all men (especially those earning a paycheck outside the church) to go about their days with righteousness and be a leader to shine the light of Jesus in their everyday actions and words.

Thank You Jesus for being the head of our home and our lives. You are everything to us!

Galen Herbic is the Co-Director for Families for Adoption, a Midwest regional adoption,

foster and orphan support group. He and Teresa have two adopted children and

have focused their lives on helping orphans find their forever families.

Picture Compliments: Pixabay

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